Accreditation Criteria
Criteria for ESCO Accreditation
In earning accreditation, an ESCO has been determined to possess the following:
- the technical and managerial competence to develop comprehensive energy efficiency projects, defined to include lighting measures; efficient motors and drives; and measures involving heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems;
- the technical and managerial competence to provide a full range of energy services, defined to include conducting energy audits; providing or arranging for project financing; design engineering; providing operations and maintenance services; and verifying energy savings according to accepted industry practice;
- and the regular business practice of developing performance-based projects, defined to mean projects for which the developer's compensation is contingent upon the projects realizing verified cost savings.
In order to be an accredited as an ESCO, ESP and Energy Efficiency Contractor, you must be a NAESCO member.
Criteria for ESP Accreditation
These include the criteria for ESCO accreditation plus:
- The technical and managerial competence to provide energy supply through the development and implementation of build/own/operate distributed generation, cogeneration or combined heat and power (CHP) projects or the firm contracting energy supply.
Criteria for Energy Efficiency Contractor
These generally include the criteria for ESCO accreditation but EECs are not expected to demonstrate comprehensiveness of approach and competencies in delivering multiple energy efficiency measures. EECs' competencies are typically associated with single service or type of measure.